We have partnered with Concentric by Ginkgo to provide an optional and free pooled testing program.
But first, we need your help! We are requesting each family to participate in this program to help safeguard the wellbeing of our entire school community. Information on how to provide consent is provided below as well as an overview from Concentric to answer some questions you may have.
To get started, please fill out the consent form with your permission to perform a COVID-19 pooled test for your student. This process should take no more than 5 minutes to complete using a computer or a smartphone.
For parents of test takers under the age of 18, click here.
For students and staff over the age of 18, click here.
Then, enter this access code:
Crescent Park Elementary School: 4Z8HVY
Woodstock Elementary School: B13GM7
Telstar Middle School: 4832M0
Telstar High School: KNFVHO
Finally, enter your child’s information, and you’re done! Note: If you need to provide consent for more than one child, please complete the process once for each child.
In the event that a pool returns a positive test result, our school is using a rapid antigen test to provide “quick tests” for any individual in that positive pool. Once the positive individual is identified that student or staff member will follow the quarantine guidelines outlined by the CDC. Any student or staff member from the positive pool that has a negative rapid antigen test will not be required to quarantine and can remain in school.
What is pooled testing?
Pooling can test 25 people using one test. All students in a class, pod, or cohort swab their own noses and place their swabs in a single tube (that’s the pooling step). The samples in that tube are then run as a single sample, using one test.
For more information, visit Concentric by Ginkgo’s website or reach out to Rosemary Wiser, district nurse at (207)824-2136.